
Ok so 10 yrs ago:-

Professor: Make this web front-end with blah blah blah pages.

*I create the thing and submit it*

<Next lecture i come in class and the projector is showing my website>

<I get excited that im bout to be praised for my work infront of whole class>

<I grab a seat>

Professor: I had high hopes from you. I did not expect PLAGRISM from YOU.

Me: Wwwwwwhaaaaaaaaaat the faaaaaaaaaaaaq??? Where is it which part????

Professor: Ive seen "lorem Ispem" before somewhere else. This is fucking plagrism.

<I sat 15 mins in disbelief>
<Got out of class>
<Dropped out of the course>

  • 57
    Can't help but notice, you put the tag wrong Loren isprm xD
  • 130
    I would have made the effort to embarrass him in front of the whole class, you can't just sit there and take this shit. Nevertheless, an excellent rant.
  • 20
    For such teachers, silence is the best answer.
  • 14
    I.. can't even...
  • 33
    You should have directed him to this page

  • 12
    @lucifyer Lorem Misprint
  • 26
    Was this in front of the whole class? You should have stood up and started a revolution
  • 12
    And you dropped out of the class? Seriously?
  • 7
    @Voxera Just in case he didn't know how to search Google or Wikipedia. You could also link him letmegooglethatforyou πŸ˜„
  • 23
    I would have gotten it in writing, then sent him a lmgtfy link. Afterwards, I'd have shown both his signed letter and the Wikipedia entry to the dean, asking the teacher to be replaced with someone competent.

    Teachers like that should not be allowed to teach.
  • 6
    @lucifyer that was on purpose. Im scared of plagrizing it :p
  • 6
    @codeblue dude sometimes you cant reason with dumb mfs. Better save your energy especially when the whole University is like that. I left that University. Got to freelance work. Its good life. I work on me own terms
  • 5
    @Ashkin i like your idea. But they would have made sure to make my life hell in every other course and aspect of my life
  • 1
    Is this real? That guy's the worst teacher in the world.
  • 10
    Those who can't do, teach ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 1
    Next time, try to use another part from "Lorem ipsum". Beginning isn't good.
  • 16
    Oh my... πŸ˜‘One of my clients seen Lorem Ipsum on her homepage mock up and called me freaking out asking why her whole website was in Spanish. Only one paragraph was Lorem Ipsum.... 😐 i just can't with people sometimes... our designers now just put "THIS IS WHERE YOUR CUSTOM CONTENT WILL BE WRITTEN BY OUR (SEO) WRITER" for this reason
  • 7
  • 6
    Un-be-fucking-lievable . Yet another example of someone who failed to make the grade in the real world, so opted for teaching - for which he was woefully unqualified and completely unsuited
  • 3
    @DLMousey I had this 60-something yo lady teach us about advanced SQL. She didn't know what scrolling (with a mouse yknow) was and whenever she gave a demo she would say it was the first time for her to do it .-.
  • 3
    @DeveloperACE wise words being quoted.
  • 2
    @DeveloperACE It hurts to say that this is, more often, the truth...
  • 4
    You shouldn't go around stealing Cicero's web designs...
  • 4
    Imagine the prof brags about it to his colleagues and embarrasses himself. Sweet fucking justice.
  • 2
    Should have stood up and viva la revolution!!!!
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