No matter how much we do for client, sponsor, do the app for free. They will still not be happy with me. Always trying to bullying me to get more things done for free. Plus the fucken asshole bad mouth about my company and doesn't recommend us to anyone.

This one client we did a website for free 3 years ago. Just came in today wants to revamp the website for free again but this time they want more features. What surprising is that they don't want our company link to be on the website as they don't want to tell the world that we made the website. According to my boss via sponsorship they have not given any client.

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    @ClemFrieckie The director of my company told my General Manager that since the client is well known in our country a lot of hits will be coming to their website so we need to make their website and hosting for FREE so that they can recommend us to other big companies.
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    @ClemFrieckie exactly my point. The fuck is wrong with people.
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    @PoweredByCoffee Yeah, they will recommend you guys alright. "Hey, these chumps will do your entire website for free. The best part, they don't want any credit."

    Your company has horrible leadership. They need to negotiate with the big guys. Being a pushover wins you no respect as a company.
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    Did a lot of sites for free back in the days. My first company was burdened by this. Now I do nothing for free but sometimes for a good price (if the clients feel they deserved it). Economy and motivation among the staff is far better and the clients are much easier to work with. It's psychology after all. Free stuff that was supposed to cost something is worth nothing if the price doesn't follow. It's like selling something that is low quality and hence the discount.
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    My client thinks that making websites and working on them is equal to farming vegetables and that the price should go down when there are lots of people to do it.
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