The new guy took homeopathic "medicine" today ... how can I respect him as a human being now?

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    Because Homeopathic Science is Medically Disapproven Science. Taking Belladonna in extremely small amounts will not fix the symptoms it produces when taken in normal amounts.
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    @azuredivay There is no „working in conjunction“.

    Remedies either not known to work or known not to work are called “alternative medicine”.

    Remedies known to work are called “medicine”.

    Proponents of homeopathy and the likes are at best ignorant fools or at worst dangerous cheaters. It's harmful by implying it makes things better. Yet wishful thinking doesn't make it so, and if any of you reading this wants to point out either the placebo effect, quantum physics, or state “whoever heals is right”; just stop and get an education.

    Ever wondered why nobody is selling the killer „alternative“ coding book? Because while you can convince a human that something, which doesn't work, worked you cannot cheat a CPU that bogus code should compile.

    Some things are binary. Bullshit will be bullshit. EOD.
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    @azuredivay Giving someone a placebo instead of a antibiotic could allow someone to die of TB, an easily treated bacterial infection. Antibiotics cannot cause harm. Unless in India they're using first or second generation antibiotics which are very toxic to body, and are obslete in normal medicine today. If that is the case that is very sad state of affairs.
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    There are real homeopathic remedies, which are a placebo, and there are also some that are sometimes called homeopathic but are actual herbal remedies. These do work, because they have real chemical compounds that act in a similar way than allopathic medicine. They have perhaps subtler results and don't cover the whole spectrum of Academy, but they work on the same principles.
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    @azuredivay, I know. Here in Argentina are just called "traditional". But some people call them homeopathic anyway πŸ€”

    Anyway, antibiotics are only for bacterial infections. If you use it for viruses you're not helping your health.
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    Im not misunderstanding Homeopathy here, it's not placebo, nor a herbal remedy. Look up Hahnemann the man who started it.
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    @azuredivay I won't chill. Homeopathy is one of the entry gateways to magical thinking and romanticising nature. This whole idea of being able to heal softly without unintended side effects. It's a myth, and a busted one at that. Yet still people cling to it.

    When homeopathy was founded, bacteria and viruses weren't even discovered yet. And bloodletting was also common back then. So homeopathy is at least better than bloodletting. Yet this doesn't change the fact that both bloodletting and homeopathy don't work.

    Hahnemann claimed that a material causing a symptom should treat that exact same symptom. This is why caffeine is used a sleep pill. Of course by highly diluting it. Reason? Mystic information.

    This principle is a fiction, not backed up by any recent scientific discovery.

    And the harm is that people might forego working remedies. Do you remember Steve Jobs? He tried healing his cancer with alternative „medicine“ first. At a time where doctors thought of it as treatable.
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    There are a lot of medical doctors here !
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    @azuredivay And please don't distort that every opponent of alternative „medicine” is jumping to a conclusion. I for one only took tiny little steps by reading about homeopathy on different sources, and the conclusion was just lying there.

    To quote Tim Minchin: “If you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.”

    In that regard, I also highly recommend his poem “Storm”:

  • 1
    Oh geez
  • 3
    Is this docRant? πŸ€”πŸ€”
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    @Arjun it seems to be =D basic big pharma treating only the symptoms vs alternative being bogus crap. Opinion war that has been going on since the beginning of Western medicine.
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    I'm starting a new opinion war....Earth is flat.
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    @Arjun it's taught as truth but let me ask you have you seen the empirical proof? Have you done the math? If not then it's a matter of belief. Just like the alt vs trad meds. Believing in anything blindly is considered faith. Even if the unnamed scientists have discovered it on FOX news.

    Not contesting the generally accepted concepts, but criticizing the band wagon approach in the scientific world. Main method of approaching the truth is trying to prove yourself wrong. If you can't do it then it is probably true untill someone else proves it wrong. Repeat.
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    @xios I completely agree with what you said, and I have been researching on this topic from quite a long time and have collected enough proofs to come to conclusion that Earth is flat.

    If you have observed in the beach, why is the end limit of ocean a straight line, when there should have been two curves at the end if Earth was actually round or sphere. There are many more, I can do this whole day
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    @Arjun now you are trolling =D
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    @xios πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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