
I wanna rewrite a small php site with a microframework. So far, I've found Silex and Lumen an interesting choice, but I can't decide which one to go with, since both are new to me. Though I'm using Symfony a lot and haven't use Laravel yet and these micro ones are their lite editions, I'd choose Silex but Lumen seems better at first glance, so I'm uncertain. Which one do you suggest?

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    @norman70688 definitely second the recommendation for Slim. Used it professionally for a year and it gets out of the way enough that I think it's pretty good.
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    Slim or the lightweight child of laravel, lumen
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    @Artemix Well, oc I didn't want to use Symfony or Laravel as microframework. I'm using Symfony for large projects only. I mentioned them because they're the parents of Silex and Lumen.
    Btw I'll check the ones you suggested, thanks.
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    @jamlam Yeah, one of my mentioned choices is already Lumen, but Slim got more votes here, so I'll consider this, thanks.
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    @Sh4dow fwiw: I have also used Lumen, but I think it's still a little too heavy for me, and definitely contains a bit too much magic for me.

    YMMV as ever though, of course.
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    Slim + Idiorm
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    CodeIgniter doesnt require anything than the files. Easy to start easy to finish has an mvc model.
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    @curlyDev really not a microframework though is it?
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