
How much do you earn if you work professionally. Include experience and position.

50 h per month student type job as a web dev mostly frontend, 1 year and 3 months of professional experience - 1300euro/ month

  • 5
    I'm sorry but this is senseless without country context... Different countries, different rates
  • 1
    Exactly, like in Portugal earning close to 1000€ is +/- the same to earn 5000€ in Norway. The difference isn't the job or position in the company, it's the costs in the end (house, bills, food, transportation, taxes)
  • 2
    but 5000 € in norway is still more money than 1000 € in portugal. Even with the living cost, you're more flexible on how you can spend your money. Like going on vacation abroad is more likely with 5000 norwegian € than it is with 1000 portuguise €.

    I'm working from monday-thursday in switzerland as a designer. I study parttime so I'm struggeling to get by with 4000 € because of tuition fees.
    Average income for fulltime job is 5500 € in switzerland.
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    $72000 USD, back end web developer
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    Oh and this is my first professional gig after doing freelance for almost 10 years since high school.
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    @norman70688 In Portugal, average salary gross is about 1187€, I havê a friend who earns about 1300€ more or less 😜
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    €3000 is minimum for a sysadmin in Sweden
  • 1
    I am a Dev in Portugal and I make around 2000€/month after taxes... @heyheni you are right to say that it's all in the cost of living, but you have to factor in taxes... Actually it's more in the quality of life in your day to day.... Compared to my friends who live and work in the UK and Germany I make less but I save more and can do more (in Portugal​ that is)...

    I have to factor in that I am in the early stages of my career and my wife makes around 1500€/month
  • 1
    $19k working for an indie game studio startup. (I live in the US; company is in Germany)

    It's absolute shit pay.

    8 years web design experience
    12 game dev/design experience
    20 years general coding experience
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    @Ashkin 19'000 $ a month?
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    @heyheni ... per year.
  • 2
    Shit, look for a new job?
  • 0
    @Linux absolutely doing so.
    Haven't found anything yet (except in Boston, but I don't want to move there)
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    Where are you stationated now?
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    @Linux Las Vegas, NV
    Though we're definitely willing to relocate
  • 0
    I wish you luck
  • 2
    @Linux thanks! 💛
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