  • 4
    Are annonymous hackers 100% not corrupted? After all it's economical/political interests that drive them :x
  • 0
    Who watches the watcher.
  • 2
    @stop the watchers watcher ;)
  • 0
    @matanl corrupt by who's judgement?
  • 2
    @matanl to be honest the original anonymous is gone still remember the days in the anonops IRC before the script kiddy's began to thrive
  • 0
    @davebyrne objectively speaking
  • 1
    @matanl the problem with Anonymous is that everybody is part of it, if he/she wants to. So I am pretty sceptical about them in general. I have seen really bad racist propaganda by an Anonymous group for example which by all means is nothing I will ever support. So imho Anonymous is like a Minecraft Chance Cube. One time you get nice armor. The next time your base or inventory is gone.
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