The new Matrix is trash 🎵🎵🎵

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    Is it out already?
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    @iiii it’s on HBO max. Not sure about theaters.
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    @wackOverflow I would be waiting for torrents anyway
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    @iiii probably the most appropriate way to watch it honestly.
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    @wackOverflow nah, it's just I don't go to cinemas at all and paying a subscription for one movie a year does not look like a good deal to me
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    First half sucked. 2nd half was comparatively better but dragged
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    The new Matrix movie is the equivalent of a well-made frozen pizza. It's edible and not even half-bad, but it's still frozen pizza.
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    Agent Smith fan detected
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    Was hoping for it to be just better than I feared. Still got disappointed :(
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    @Ison yeah but a terrible frozen pizza. Too many plot holes that broke the immersion reminding that it’s not “real pizza”.
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    @Fapoleon I was really looking forward to this movie. After watching it I concluded that getting divorced this year was only the second worse thing to happen to me in 2021.
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    Hey don't give trash such a bad name. Trash is better than that!
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    (have not seen #4)

    Making a comparatively great Matrix sequel is impossible.

    When it came out, simulation theory was not that much of a mainstream philosophical concept yet, and any movie that "blows people's minds" can't "reblow people's minds".

    The Matrix has a fairly weak universe.

    Everything in it just serves to explain the concept of simulation theory to the viewer.

    Not bashing the original: It completely works in an utterly brilliant way, you don't really need a pile of consistent lore or complicated personal development arcs for what #1 was trying to do.

    But regardless of how you spin it, any sequel will just be a generic movie.

    The shallow characters aren't a great foundation to build on. Mythology works best when it is allowed to retain mystery. The SF tropes besides "it's a simulation" can't be stretched further either.

    Some amazing things should just be cherished for what they are, instead of trying to squeeze more out of it.
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    It's not Matrix...
    It's like a comedy spin off...
    I liked it as a fan... But that's what I thought while I was watching... It's not my matrix.
    Story is to shallow, more like a Easter egg hunt.
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    @iiii there's a "surprise sale" on the p. bay already. I watched it recently and yep, I would've regretted paying money for this shit. It's worth watching as a comedy, best if you get high or drunk first.
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    It sucked monkey fuck... I'd say it started kinda strong, like the first 3rd or 4th had potential to be turned into something at least decent but after a few minutes it just turned into a giant joke, everyone was covered in plot armor and then both neo and trinity were just a giant deux ex machina...

    really shallow bullshit, at best it's a mediocre comedy... and you really don't want the Matrix to be labeled as "comedy"... it's as if they tried to make it into avengers
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