Has anyone else ever been stuck in a 'doSomething()' limbo where your dev section has no tickets so you have to create your own tickets so that you still seem productive?

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    Not that long so nothing useful like refactoring or test or code style improvements were left.
    I love it when in a sprint is time left to just do a bit of housekeeping in our apps.
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    @bosi that’s where we are right now is just refactoring the entire codebase to Kotlin because we have no issue tickets right now 🤷🏾‍♂️
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    Been doing that for about 3 months now.

    When I take one if these tickets though, I'm told it's not important enough to work on, but they also told me the day before to make the ticket and work it.
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    That’s the best place to be in. Time for refactoring and tackling tech debt!
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    This seems like the most sensible compromise if you're not willing to honestly tell a higher up that you're out of work and can take on something else.

    Refactoring for the sake of refactoring is not a practical approach. If you're out of work, take some backlogged tasks or perhaps work on some infrastructure projects.
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    @Ison I would like to agree with you. However, in our case, that is exactly what we are supposed to do if we have no issues of higher importance. If you’re working with a system where tech debt has accumulated unchecked for 15 years, there’s no excuse not to do some housekeeping, or in this case, even renovation.
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