
Can I have Windows on MacBook please?

  • 4
    Unless its an ARM mac you can.
  • 11
    Windows on macOS is like buying absurd luxury wine where the wine grower has farted on every grape personally - and then downing it with cola.
  • 7
    @Fast-Nop mac is like a luxury wine where the grapes have been filtered by a civet
  • 2
    @FallingUpwards Mac’s hardware!
  • 3
    @electrineer Coffee. That's coffee.
  • 5
    @Fast-Nop that's the point
  • 4
    @electrineer LOL ok then it's a good one. ^^
  • 2
    Yes, look up Boot Camp. Don't know if there are any restrictions around M1 - it's been a while since I touched Apple hardware.
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    I think that's called an XPS.
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    @Fast-Nop nah. windows on mac is like someone who drunk luxury wine farting on your store-brand cola.
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    I’ve always found Parallels on Mac to be a smooth experience. One of its options allows you to run virtualised Windows apps outside of a Windows desktop so the apps appear side-by-side with your Mac apps.
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    Lost my entireee game saves (5 years of my time spent on games) thanks to Bootcamp messing up some file system headers when I shut my macbook down with the power button instead of clicking shutdown.
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    @darrenrahnemoon Data without backup are illusionary.
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    @Fast-Nop yeah after that I got onedrive lol
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    @darrenrahnemoon There is no cloud, only other people's computers - and when the rubber meets the road, they won't give a shit.
  • 1
    Your question is just like
    Can I ride a bullock cart after owning rolls Royce
  • 4
    @darrenrahnemoon holy shit. Did you used your mac for gaming atleast 5 years? Thats sad.
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    I think if you put windows in a mac a fairy will die
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    @darksideofyay a kitten dies, murdered by the ghost of steve jobs.
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    @vedant-py Nah man. My question is.. Can I have Rolls Royce that doesn’t boss me around on how to drive!
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    @darksideofyay Exactly why I have been deferring..
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    @Fast-Nop Alter.
    You really always have the best analogies.
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    Mac's hardware?

    For less than the amount you'd spend buying my MacBook Pro 2019 (highest spec version), I got a beast of a gaming laptop with liquid metal cooling.

    While the MacBook turns into a toaster when I run "yarn build", my gaming laptop can probably run 2 sessions of Watchdogs_3 (a notoriously CPU demanding game)

    You, my guy, have been severely ripped off (unless you bought the M1 version which can't run Windows anyway)
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    @RexGalilae Is that beast portable?
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    @RexGalilae Better portability than MacBook?
  • 1
    What do you want exactly? Hardware or portability? I recall you mentioned hardware?

    And yes, it's very portable. I don't carry a purse so I don't need my laptop to be as slim as a notebook.

    If you want slim, there are notebooks that run Windows, have great hardware and are way cheaper than a MacBook. Take Dell XPS 13/15 for example
  • -1
    @RexGalilae Dell XPS is not way cheaper than MacBook. Here in India. Try to have a multi-disciplinary thinking before having opinions. It will help you out.

    I am not an Apple fanboy. A critic of sort, infact. I am just enjoying your desperation of attacking Apple :)
  • 1
    Huh? Am I supposed to know all the prices in every country off the top of my head? Lmao

    And how would I know what country you're from?

    You're just someone who fell for the Apple hype and doesn't want to admit it to himself. Face it 🤷‍♂️
  • -1
    @RexGalilae Hahaha! Keep at it 👍
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