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    What? You can accuse Apple of many things: overpriced devices, closed systems, …
    But the one thing you have to give them is that their stuff just works where anything non Apple breaks unexpectedly in fucked up ways.
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    @dontbeevil I’ve been using Apple stuff for over a decade now AND also non Apple stuff. So don’t tell me that I live in the past or have no clue.
    I get it, it’s cool to hate Apple, but at least be a little honest here and don’t throw around bullshit claims.
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    @dontbeevil what does it have to do with the 90s?
    Of course there are issues somewhere. No matter if its Apple or not. Never claimed that Apple is perfect. And sometimes the issues are really bad.
    There are far more problems with non Apple stuff though.
    And that’s my point. Pointing at Apple and saying that their stuff breaks and other shit doesn’t is just plain dumb.
    It’s like saying Linux is the most expensive OS. It makes you look stupid.
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