Windows or Linux for developing?

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    Im in love with VS and not willing to convert yet.
    Let's see what VS Code becomes
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    @Kimmax wait is VSCode not ported to Linux?
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    C# , so I'm a Microsoft bitch, altough I'm more of a Google fan
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    Linux mint rules
  • 7
    If you are developing for Windows, Windows; if you are developing for Linux, then Linux.

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    I use both.
    Linux for python.
    Windows for just about everything else.
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    @Kimmax I used VSCode, Sublime Text all thr way. But it needs themes and you eill have to get used to it.
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  • 3
    macOS = developing
    linux = deployment
    windows = gaming
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    @iAmNaN what if you're developing for the web? 😄
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    @linuxxx Then you are most likely developing for Linux. (Unless you're in .Net land or doing frontend work).
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    Proprietary garbage limits your freedom. Use Linux
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    Windows for job (all our clients are on windows, it's just easier for desktop apps. Cross compiling is dark magic)
    Linux for fun at home.
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    Tools. They both serve their purpose and I put them both to good use every day.
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    I use Windows for everything else. I use Linux to show off to my friends.
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    Let the games begin. 😂
    [In my opinion Linux is better.]
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    Linux. But I keep Windows around for gaming.
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    Unless your using .Net I would highly recommend being in a Linux or Mac environment.
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    Win for .NET, Linux for C and the rest. Always trying to make all my code work on both
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    I actually use both if there is versions on both distributions of my IDE.


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Guess I like both
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    Windows for C (Cuz Visual Studio) But personally Linux for anything else.
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    Depends on what you developing.
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    @Kimmax There is VS for Mac preview so maybe they'll make it for linux too and then take over the world!

    Also I don't know why people think Microsoft hates Linux...After all there is Azure... I' m sure that in 2024 there is going to be only .net core (or mostly) and VS for Linux
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    Depends on what and for what you're developing for.
    If your target OS is Windows, use Windows.
    You can't use Linux for developing Windows apps.
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