Does anybody else find themselves resubscribed to email lists that they've unsubscribed from before? Seems like the only true permanent solution is to delete your account on these sites entirely. I think I'm losing my mind...

  • 4
    The true permanent solution is to delete your email account and create a new one
  • 3
    If you are in EU -> send a letter to your privacy authority and enjoy free money
  • 3
    I had this problem at work.

    Some asshat sold my address and I was getting hundreds of emails from spammers.

    Took some time, but I eventually traced most of them down to a single marketing/media company, and I found out what their email scheme was.

    Meanwhile all this is going on I'm playing whack-a-mole and attempting to unsubscribe, which does fucking nothing. If anything, they seemed to get worse.

    Once I found the CEO, CMO, and and VPs emails I just started to forward everything from their company to them.

    It cleared up within a week.
  • 1
    1. sue them

    2. ???

    3. profit.
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