Wired headsets and mice are super annoying.
Wireless headsets and mice are equally annoying.

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    Your annoying
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    Most of the time, small details matter.

    If someone hadn't explained to me the magic of proper cable management and conflicting frequencies and EMI many many many many many many years ago, I'd still be mad at wireless.

    Small changes can make dramatic differences.
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    Tech is annoying
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    You should try wireless printers.

    If you thought wired printers were Satan spawn, I have bad news for you.
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    What‘s the problem with wired stuff? You don‘t need your mouse or headset when you are not at the desk. And wired stuff doesn‘t need to be charged and doesn‘t have connection issues and fuckups.
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    I love my Sony 1000-XM4. Best investment I made.
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    If you can't get a wireless mouse to work better for you than a wired one I believe the problem resides somewhere else.

    Wireless all the way I say! And yes, the Sony 1000-XM4 are pretty bloody sweet!
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    Wired nooses are just as annoying
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    @devdiddydog but they work wired too! which is part of why they are great, I love mine, even an airplane flight almost becomes silent
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    @IntrusionCM Many too many “many”?
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    @Lensflare having a wireless headset is very useful if you want to grab a coffee or take a pee while you're listening to something
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    @electrineer @Lensflare

    Wires are always too long, too short, or too tangled.

    Wireless is always too disconnected, or out of charge.

    Fuck 'em both.

    *crawls back into bed*
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    @Cyanide I was 13.... Not innocent but yes long time ago. XD
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    @bittersweet It's true that I spend a lot of time thinking about the battery charge of my phone, headphones, laptop. I don't have to think about my mouse because it works with two AAA batteries and I can always just replace them. I think phones and headphones should return to removable standard batteries so I could buy 3 extra and a charger and never think about it anymore
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    It you think that it's annoying then you can change it. This totally depends on you. All the best!
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