I have many stickers on my laptop, need some more to complete the selection. Would love to see devRant on here! Help me reach the goal? Suggestions as to what else to add?

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    I would like to do the same too. But my stickers haven't arrived since mid february.
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    DevRant stickers!
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    Bitcoin is looking its value
    One git cat is fine
    Android updates monthly so new stickers or no stickers of it
    At this point, programmer definition not needed
    Then use that space for devRant stickers
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    You're so cheap. Just freaking buy the stickers for 5 bucks!
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    @Letmecode nah, the finish on this laptop shows every fingerprint and smudge. It got annoying cleaning it all the time, so I just covered it up
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    @mzpro10 it's $6, and $13 for shipping. I love devRant but not $20 for a sticker type of love
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    @sam9669 Octocat or GitHub Cat ;P

    That cat has nothing to do with git (sorry I had to )
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