If an orange costs $6 and a grape costs $4, how much does a pineapple cost?

  • 1
    Here it costs $10 Idk about other areas
  • 9
    I fucking hate questions like this.

    Why the fuck is an orange SIX DOLLARS?

    Right, let's do some maths.

    Orange = $6
    Grape (holy shit just a single fucking one) = $4

    A pineapple is what, about ~3.5x bigger than an orange?

    A grape is, let's say 4x smaller?

    So you've got
    G (Grape, 4xS)
    O (Orange, 1 - it's our base size)
    P (pineapple, 3xS)

    If you divide the orange into 4 segments you gets you $1.50 for each piece.

    So the pineapple is 1.50 * 3

    So the orange

    Nah you know what who gives a flying fuck?
  • 3
    @1nfiniteLoop I won't spoil it for you, but I love your line of thought and the rage. This question and its ilk are plain ridiculous.
  • 0
    @runfrodorun that's what I answered
  • 0
    @runfrodorun is this similar to the question "how much should you charge to wash the windows in Seattle?"
  • 0
    There is actually a logical, albeit twisted, answer. But I'd rather not say, as this thread is much more interesting than it.
  • 0
    Error: undeclare variable 'pineapple'
  • 0
    It's $8.
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