Why comment on the same thing during code review??

I submitted a PR and had to make a design choice that propagated throughout the module i was working on.

During code review, my coworker commented on every...single...line that this change effected asking "why are we doing x here?" instead of just creating ONE SINGLE THREAD with this question for discussion. There were at least 10 review comments on github from their one review that said "why X?"

Is this normal? Ive only had a few programming jobs and this is the first time this has happened to me.

personally, when someone makes a choice like that, i just make a comment and save the rest of the review until that is addressed.

  • 2
    As soon as i think i'll type something the second time during code review i'll just leave the one comment, add an FYI that it's a thing in multiple places as it seems and see what the first feedback-loop achieves.

    If all occurrences are fixed then or if my question is dealt with, it fits by bill, if not, I'll comment it again.

    Everything else is stupid, change my mind.
  • 0
    They get paid by the number of words they type.

    Seriously, code reviews can be a blocker with the wrong team.
  • 3
    If a reviewer writes only ond thread mentioning recurrences, the chance is the pull request owner might not change the other lines.... happened to me...
  • 1
    Split your answer in all comments
  • 0
    If it's 2 or even 3 times I tend to just duplicate the comment. If I notice it more often I'll just comment saying (see above and watch out for other occurrences) or similar.
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