Out of curiosity: how likely is your company to hire someone without a college degree?

Follow up, do you think not having a college degree would affect advancement down the road if a person does get hired in the first place?

  • 3
    Currently we actually are fishing among people without a degree since there are no with one to hire :/

    But once hired any previous degree does not count at all, only what you actually can do.

    No degree have been good enough. They all require a lot of extra training to learn about real life problems so every one enters at the bottom and get to work their way up.
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    At my company, they say "Your marks and your degree are just contract between you and your college. It doesn't certify if you can code or have any skill, at all". Although, I'd suggest on getting that degree. Either now or sometime later.
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    @mcraz @Voxera Any of your companies reside in the UK by any chance? Want to move there after finishing my study :)
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    @linuxxx sorry, only in sweden
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    @Voxera Damn, thanks for at least replying!
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    Swiss dev here: we have a dual education system, where you either do a 3-4 year aprentiship (where you work and have school) or you stay longer in school (not sure how the whole highschool and college stuff works :P) and then go to university.

    Swiss companies, who know this system often prefers someone who did a aprentiship before, as they have practical working expirience.

    And once you have a job, the degree doesn't matter that much (unless you're applying for a research job/academia).

    But as I said, it depends a lot on the country you are living and what system they have.
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    No degree here. Never had a real problem finding a job - except the times when I botched the interviews.
    There are some jobs you won't get but experience will almost always beat a degree. Also, a couple of certifications help a lot.
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    Degrees are largely redundant in this field.
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    @linuxxx It's a startup in India. 😀
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    In Germany: (nearly) no chance.
    Especially or rather absolutely in big companies.

    Will most likly differ in smaller companies or startups companies
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    Getting hired in a big company will be near impossible without a degree. But a startup may be more flexible on this.
    In my country (Sri Lanka) there are lot of people who do some of an IT course or diploma and get into the field. So companies try to filter out the 90% this crowd to get the best hires. So, if you don't have a degree, your CV will be ignored even before getting an interview.
    Not having a degree won't matter much in advancing in your career. Most of the time career development depends on a person's social skills as well.
    But the thing is, following a degree exposes a person to a lot of fundamental theories and concepts of programming that a self taught person might not have even heard of. And that will be an advantage when you're trying to improve yourself and learn new things. And in turn, get ahead of others and go up the ladder.
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