Them: You're a Python developer? So you work with snakes?

Me: ...

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    Honest Question: what's so good about Python? Im writing an app in it this week... Syntax is just so weird, coming from a C# POV

    is not, if not, for in range(....), can't write a multiline if without escaping the lines with \...

    All these quirks sorta makes me feel like I'm working VBA...
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    @billgates Atm, I'm working with java in a Android app, but I come from a C# background and fool around with python sometimes, my first impression was just like yours, but after some time you get used to it and start to see logic in it, now I even find python easier to code/read than C#
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    @wesaka I don't have much time tho, I'm now juggling python, c#, Java, n js....

    Also Python those imports, from Car import Car?
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    @billgates wrap your if-statement in parentheses, and you won't need to escape the linebreaks 😘
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    @billgates ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    That's a snake case. Badum tsss
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    Yeah. I do. Anaconda in particular
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    @billgates Multiline strings get initialized via """ (three quotes), put variables in curlys and you can use .format to replace them.
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    Two things come to my mind when asking what's so great about Python :
    1) it's not verbose. If you come from Java or C++ for example, you may appreciate it a lot. Also, there is no brackets, scope is defined by indentation.
    2) it's pragmatic and well built. There is very little surprise (or call it magic if you want). Each language have flaws. Python is arguably part of those with the LEAST flaws.
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    python is a terse langugue, with a lot of features that were missing in java (pre 8). I prefer its "with" syntax over the horrible mess java has, and the "elif" makes it a much more readable. However, python cannot run multiple threads in parallel, and can be very slow in certain cases. The lack of autocomplete in the Python IDEs is very annoying.
    However, python is very very good to process text files,and for general scripting purposes I use it all the time.
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