College rant:

I have finals next week. I am sitting here learning about things which have no benefit to my career. My college requires me to take Calculus based physics 2, which makes no sense to me at all! I do appreciate physics however I would much rather be coding. In my CS courses you learn theory which is fine, however very impractical. I last October I realized how much more you need to do and a degree just won't cut it. I spend about 50 hours a week learning TDD, git, hashes all this stuff that is not taught in school. Then on top of this I'm learning pointless crap that if I ever needed in a real world situation I would go to Kahn Academy or simply Google it. I'm upset because I have to stop coding for the week to study information I will forget 2 weeks from now, and most likely never use again. I have a job someone offered me which will be extremely beneficial to my career however I have to wait a week to even look at it. I'm just bitter.

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    I'm in exactly your position. I have to deal with Quantum Physics, Chemistry, Mechanics etc, when I should be learning about computers. If that wasn't bad, the guy who "teaches" us programming (C) is a complete asshat. He has no regard for efficiency, and endorses the use of goto.
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    OMG! I just went ahead and read a few of your rants? I feel exactly like you. Are you me?
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    @matchesMalone in my software engineering class the professor requires a certain amount of lines of code. What the heck! ha, He is encouraging bad practices and inefficiency. The further along in college I get the more I realize what a waste of time. All for a piece of paper ha
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    @Jeremiahlukus Mine asks for students to write the output for every programming problem. Plus, for some reason, he hates functions. This one time he asked us to write simple menu driven calculator. I associated each mathematical function to a method and made it so that when user wanted to add stuff, 'add()' would be called. The guy went and cancelled my answer, for no reason. I run that code on a machine- it works fine. Nowhere in the question does it say anything about NOT using functions. I tried to ask him where I went wrong. I still don't have a reply.
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    CS is not IT. So you need to put extra work to learn technical skills.
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    @GarreauArthur : Yeah right. Everyone knows you need Organic Chemistry to write clean, efficient Java programs... (No offense)
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    @GarreauArthur yes indeed. I do understand learning computer theory. I even benefited quite a lot from learning SPARC assembly language. However I do not understand learning pointless crap that I will never use. Also, I do not understand why we are not learning real world problems.
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    From what I have heard CS in Europe is much better than in America. So maybe it's different there.
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    I experience the same, with the difference i got a job recently and I dont really want to finish my degree. Its a waste of time imo ...
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    @Jeremiahlukus yeah the system is different, if you want to study computer science, you also need to study Math, Physics, and Chemistry. Once you learned the basics, you can study advanced subjects...
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    Same situation here mate :/
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    Btw ive just wanted to be a programmer but guess what you cant do that. Only CS ...
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    Your rant is relatable...
  • 9
    Another misguided soul who doesn't understand what a CS degree is for.
    Hint: the academia does *not* teach code monkeys. They teach engineers that understand the reasoning behind their decisions. They teach scientists who can research and develop new technologies/methodologies and prove this correctness.

    All your cryptography for the web is not a work of a code monkey who knows git, it's the work of a mathematician who knows how to think. Remember that always and forever.
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    @nocgod I cannot agree with this more, but I will say that some universities/professors do have really shitty times in CS...a
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    I would agree that uni should be preparing you to come up with unique and scalable solutions to new and interesting problems. BUT they don't come near that goal. I can understand all the math courses and the benefits of taking them. What I can't understand is why I have to take intro to chemistry or two freaking years of autocad (which while I really enjoy is a complete waste of my time and money). And on top of that they don't even teach the latest practices or technologies. No we learn COBOLT and other niche or outdated languages. It feels like a complete waste of time. I wish there was an alternative where you were taught relevant and useful information. If they still taught the maths and CS logic I couldn't care less. I just want to be able to apply for a job and have the employer take me seriously
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    Skipped it all that has to do with School, Earned around 140k $ last year which is my 2. Year of income after doing 3 years internship 👌✌️
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    @AndrewDiale fuck statistics
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    I just dropped out and learned to code for free. Worked out for me.. lol.
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    Knowing that there would now be no finals to study for in any of the regular non-AP courses, X would take - pursuant to your proposal - AP English as well as the regular science, math, history, and Spanish.

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    CC is too hard for me, I like other type of platform
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