Do you name your computer(s)? If so what are they and why did you choose the name?

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    I name mine numerically. My current one is 2a because I changed the graphics card lol
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    Laptop is GrimReaper, NAS is DarthVader,, forgot what my desktop is lol
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    I name my laptop as Cerberus because it has dual-boot
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    "Broke back hashing" and "limpDisket" tons more but cba.
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    Mars(desktop), Europe, Io, Calisto... (laptops), ΞΌSievert, Gray... (work laptops)
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    "Brick" (a thick Dell laptop)
    "The Gray One" (an HP laptop)
    "Old White" (a 2002 XP Bluegear netbook)
    And an old E-Machine netbook I can't come up with a name for. God dammit.
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    Harvey (Desktop)
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    Cower before the processing power of.... Bob
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    My naming convention is based on military hardware:

    Current: Nimitz for surface pro, Dreadnought for desktop, Chinook for router.

    Former: Lancasterbomber for lappie, Spitfire for windows phone, Messerschmitt for router

    And loosly related current phone is "Scapa flow"
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    'Hot Slut' was my portable Ultrabook. Now I have 'Monster' with much more performance 😊
    Oh and I have got a 'Shitty Router' 😁
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    Production servers after porn stars. Development servers after celestial stars.
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    I had a The legend of Zelda theme going on back in the days; my username was Link and I imagined warping from Hyrule to Kakariko etc. using SSH.
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    @solecki welcome to devRant!
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    @redstonetehnik Thank you. :)
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    Deepthought - (Debian) Gitlab & Samba Server [from the movie THGTTG]
    Tower - (Win10) My workstation ['cause had no better name atm]
    Toshi - (Debian) Old Toshiba laptop as file backup server [short & cute for Toshiba]
    Atom - (Debian w/ GUI) Media center with Kodi & media remote [it has an Intel Atom CPU]
    Berry - Raspberry Pi for tinkering [short & cute for Raspberry]
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    I named mine after Egyptian gods. Like Osiris, Ra and Sekhmet. When I replace a machine I place #g after it. Like Osiris2g 😊
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    All my devices follow the same naming scheme. It's RT-Devicename, where RT are my initials. So my laptop is RT-HP and so on
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    All my devices are cp-[use case] with a number at the end if I have more than one system performing the same action.

    My old computer was called gloria though.
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    kraken because fuck you that's why.

    Seriously though, I just called it that way because I do a lot of stuff on it, like mobile coding, audio recording/processing, video rendering, web development, and has a triple-boot
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    I usually give names related to the model/specs

    Desktop: Haswell (in W10) and Hackintosh (on Sierra)
    Laptop: Probook
    iPad: iSlate
    Old laptop: Insys (it's its brand)
    Old desktop: Quad (it was my first quad core PC)

    However my Qnap NAS is called Intersect due to Chuck
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    Mine is called "the memeMachine"
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    My desktop: Blade
    My server: Envy
    My phone: Brick

    Yup, seems about right.πŸ˜€
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    Usually alternate between mythical creatures and elements/minerals
    Old Laptop-Graphite
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    I named my laptop TARDIS back when I joined the Whovian bandwagon πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    All permutations of:
    <function >-box
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    C3RBERUS became L3viathan after a big upgrade. VPS was Citadel. My main laptop is Normandy and the shiny new one for work is Normandy-SR2. Ho, and my login is Shepard of course. :-p
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    localhorst for my desktop. Others named with classical names. rpi is Lucas, tablet is joyce, smartphone is named Ava... aso.
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    I named mine "GuineaPig" and my virtual server is Narnia :D
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    "Mythoclast" - Laptop (cause it's tough enough to challenge some beefy desktops)
    "Heliopause" - Raspberry Pi running Windows 10 IoT core (cause it's the last place the light touches)
    "RyPi" - Raspberry Pi running raspbian (cause my name's Ryan)
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    "TheDarkWeb" MacBook Pro 2016
    "TheWiseGrey" MacBook Pro 2011
    "Bid Badass Machine" MacBook Air 2014
    "TheGreyFjord" iPhone 6
    "the Dark Side" SSID
    "Where am I" raspberry pi (keep forgetting where I put it)

    I named my server Entty ( thought it sounded like entity )
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    GLaDOS because on the door to the office is a "welcome to aperture science" poster.
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    @paradonym localhorst should be put in the hosts file of every german speaking person! :D
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    I call my laptop "Veronica" . Not hulk buster though xD
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    My servers are named after Doctor Who actors. Smaller servers are named after the companions. πŸ€“
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    Desktop: Titanium
    Laptop: Copper
    Server: Lead
    Raspberry Pi: Helium
    Yes, they're named after elements.
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    I always name mine after gems or semi-precious stones. My current is Jade; the previous was Talasite. I've also used Sapphire, Ruby, Onyx, Peridot, etc.

    Jade and Talasite are so pretty!
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    Desktop called "Jade"
    One laptop called "Amber"
    Another pc called "Amythest"
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    @Ashkin I don't know why I named those that. I like jade. :)
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