
A legitimate warning from my university's curriculum app

  • 6
    I applaud your university for not supporting a deprecated Internet browsing experience!
  • 13
    Ehm\.\.\ Why\ were\ you\ using\ ie\?\ 😱
  • 1
    @JS96 asking all the right questions. I don't have an answer
  • 6
    the alert in Firefox said:
    "Firefox is not supported try using Internet explorer"
  • 2
    @sgbaker that shit happens at my work. No joke, they prefer IE. I just use Chrome.
  • 1
    @codeclod Chrome is my browser of choice. There are so many more bells and whistles that I gravitate towards.
  • 2
    @host same. My IT dept actually evaluated it some time back and they dismissed it because "people would have to learn something new". 😐🔫
  • 1
    @codeclod I am dumbfounded 😳
  • 1
    @codeclod I only use chrome.
  • 1
    @codeclod IT = Incompetent Tools
  • 1
    I think I just decided on a new feature to add to all my projects . . .
  • 2

    if (IE == true) {
    alert('Sorry Frefox is required');
    } else if(fireFox == true) {
    alert('Sorry Internet Explorer is required');
  • 1
    The alert should say: "Internet explorer is not supported, use a real browser please"
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