When your client starts creating "bugs" for things that are not implemented yet... aaarghhh

  • 0
    What! That is being creative.
  • 1
    Welcome to devRant! You will like the community.
  • 3
    Haha, at least it's only your client! My PM does this on a regular basis, and then when QAing a bug, instead of passing that original bug and creating new issues, he will fail it and put two completely unrelated, new bugs in the comments!
  • 1
    @emes001 haha we've had similar things going on ;)
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    Or adding entirely new features as a bug to an existing feature.
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    @kwilliams happens every week 😭
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    Because usually none takes the time to explain clients the differences between a bug, a feature, a request and how to use ticketing/bug tracking systems after giving them access to them ;)
  • 1
    @ste09 we actually did but it didn't help. everything is named as a bug for them 😐
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