
I just took the fattest shit imaginable. Its so huge and thick my asshole hurts. Almost the girth of my arm as if i ate a deer

  • 3
    How many Courics?
  • 1
    🤔 don't know how to interpret this
  • 5
    And no pics? Amateur.
  • 6
    good job! What a big boy, can take poop all by himself and goes telling about it to everyone.

    What a big boy!!
  • 5
    You should contact the European Fecal Standards and Measurements office in Zürich to check for a possible world record.
  • 4

    I think this is the first literal butt hurt rant I have seen on here.
  • 2
    Reading this as I myself am taking a shit. 💩
  • 6
    @black-kite while I am not criticizing your (or OPs) technique, but maybe leaving a shit would be better.
  • 6
    I hate these.

    You're sitting there when all of a sudden it feels like someone is just disemboweled you.

    Then the cold sweats start hitting you. Then the hot flashes. At this point you haven't even turtled. Your gut is begging for you to give in, but no matter what you do, nothing is helping.

    You start to think crazy ideas.... Things you normally would never think of. Things involving tubes and water.

    Jesus, it's so hot, you strip naked. It helps minutely. You push hard, grunting and grimacing through the pain. The resistance starts to give. A moan escapes your mouth.

    Just then, your mom busts the door open and starts screaming at you about having impure thoughts in the bathroom again.

    You look past her and see the TV is on. It's 1998 and The Undertaker just threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through the announcers table.

    This happen to anyone else?
  • 2
    I can read the feeling of pride between the lines
  • 0
    I can recommend taking a shit while having a coffee
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