After 20 minutes of recording a coding tutorial video in Quicktime, I clicked the "stop" button and waited for the file to write to the desktop. And I waited....and waited....and waited....and....nothing. Short test videos I had created saved fine, but not this long one. I've tried all the recommended "how to recover Quicktime recording" tutorials, but no joy. Does this ever happen to you? If so, were you able to recover any recordings and how did you do it?

  • 5
    Quick waste of time
  • 5
    At least you've got a topic for the next video ready
  • 5
    I haven't used QuickTime for over a decade. I didn't even know it can record stuff let alone it still is a thing. I only used for playing back crappy formats back in the day with Windows XP.
  • 1
    What’s frustrating is that I successfully produced several other videos in the past. Why THIS one? Is it because there was a deadline and computers smell your fear?
  • 4
    I would recommend obs, works like a charm
  • 1
    @Jifuna I have that as well. I should have used it. QT just seemed easier to rip out this simple tutorial.
  • 9
    OBS exists.

    it saves continuously (at least if you're saving some streaming-compatible web format, mp4 works too), so even if it crashes, you're got a usable file with everything up to the crash, afaik
  • 6
    I am shocked that Quicktime still exists.
  • 3
    I thought Quicktime died a long time ago. What's next? Netscape Navigator ??
  • 0
    @Jifuna I was going to post, I think with obs you can configure a video format where it saves the file as it's recording, it might minimize issues like the one mentioned on this post.
  • 0
    @afloofdev Correct! That's the standard
  • 2

    Oh that's sad.

    Well. It's kind of funny too.
    Because quick time had gotten discontinued, what, ten (10) years ago?

    And apple now using .heic files for photos and not telling their users they can't upload general files to general webservices anymore is hilarious.

    Kein Helm = keine Sicherheit.
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