
Recommend to me a Debian note taking app, please! 🙂

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    @green-portal thanks. But that's an editor and not a note taking app.
    I'm more looking for something like Notable, that I could open and close easier, and maybe get some old notes archived and out of the way. Mostly a note-management app I guess.
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    @green-portal yeah I've tried a bunch of those. Just wanted to see if someone got something better.
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    I'm just using notepad++ with autosave feature :)
  • 6
    "Debian note taking app" lol

    Zettlr - markdown and latex.
    Ghostwriter - Markdown
    Neovim/Lunarvim/vim/vi - whatever you want and how much you want.

    Oh and Touch note taking with a pen for example:
    Xournal++ or rnote
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    Note taking is just writing, hopefully to a file. @NoMad

    If you need more functionality than that, then please tell us
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    I use MS todo, only because it links up with work and I don't have to pay for the O365 license, but I guess it comes down to, what are you looking to get out of the note app beyond writing

    dear diary, today I slapped @C0D4
    for using MS products
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    @melezorus34 the file part doesn't bother me. The management and easy switching between the notes, as well as quick opening is the issue. Plus, I just want it on my desktop, not to deal with accounts and everything that comes with account management. (I am fed up with "updates to our privacy policy" crappy emails. It's hard to keep track of them)
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    I like taking notes in Markdown. I use Marker. I just store and organize directly in the file system using directories and descriptive names.
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    Nano, if content is only text.
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    as a few others mentioned, a regular text editor works well haha

    i use either sublime text or atom, both with markdown plugins, so i have formatting in there and a preview.

    works like a charm for me.

    now because i was curious, i have googled around and so far i liked:
    Boost Note
  • 1
    just for completeness:

    If you dwell in the terminal

    might need some expansion but shouldn't be to hard

    note () {
    # if file doesn't exist, create it
    if [[ ! -f $HOME/.notes ]]
    touch "$HOME/.notes"

    if ! (($#))
    # no arguments, print file
    cat "$HOME/.notes"
    elif [[ "$1" == "-c" ]]
    # clear file
    printf "%s" > "$HOME/.notes"
    # add all arguments to file
    printf "%s\n" "$*" >> "$HOME/.notes"
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