
Game developers who limit frame rate to 60 in year 2022... Are you ok? 🤔

  • 2
    Me with my 59fps🥸
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    It might be the reasonable thing to do with mobile games.
  • 6
    Yes. What is wrong with stable 60?
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    @kamen nope, you either go "full native refresh rate" for full smoothness or 30 frames to save battery juice.

    Pokemon unite has "high" frame rate for native refresh rate and boy do I love it.
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    @melezorus34 Pokémon is cool, sir
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    Human eye can only see 80 right ?
  • 3
    I left gaming world since 2016. What has changed and why is 60 not good enough anymore?
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    @b2plane many (most?) people now have monitors that can display content with higher refresh rate. And higher refresh rate looks nicer even in office use.
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    Perfectly fine as user accessible configuration option for games that don't require minimum latency. It also saves energy, which means that the CPU/GPU fans aren't as noisy.
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    @ostream yes, i don't know the exact number but that's how the images on our screen are moving: about more than 20 refreshes per second is our limit to see the flickers (also depends on light conditions and distance).

    Fpr example, led arrays (actually grids but ok) use that concept to draw images without using two connections per pixel
  • 4
    @ostream that's wrong. People can notice flickering/change at a much higher rate
  • 5
    @melezorus34 That's different for peripheral vision, though. I can see the flicker of car rear LED lights if the PWM is only like 300Hz or so.
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    I'm content with 30fps, as long as the game is running smoothly
  • 2
    @melezorus34 60 has been the de-facto standard for a lot of time - IMO it makes sense for games with more action (and 30 might be too limiting for those). If you can cap it, probably the best approach would be just to provide a picker (e.g. 30, 60, 90, 120, uncapped) and let everyone choose for themselves.
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    There were tests done with pilots, where some could see difference up to ~200 Hz.

    Not all games need more than 60 fps tough.
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    @WildOrangutan unless it's a competitive shooter, almost no one really needs more than 60, as it is smooth enough
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    @iiii well, no one needs to play games anyway. That's not what it's about.
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    @iiii that's why I said "not all games need more than 60 fps"
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    @kamen we are talking about mobile phones.
    Even though phones can be beefy, games won't use efficency cores so it will drain faster on 60 fps when compared to a phone with "bloat" services but on 30 fps
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    @WildOrangutan it's just not precise enough. more precise is "almost no games need more than 60 fps"
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