
How do you deal with burnout?

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    I avoid doing things that lead to it. If the company I work for induces it, i leave it unless they change their ways. And companies never change, so yeah I get a new job.
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    You burn it, and burn it, and burn it more until the phoenix arises from the ashes.... a holiday is usually a quicker way to recover though.
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    Changing my job helped me get my coding motivation back
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    I started having a garden, planting plants and breeding animals. Now I program once in a while. I feel better. The Nightmare is gone.
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    I look at my bank balance, and picture my kid eating food.
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    Got pills from my doctor. They helped a TON.

    All these years I was against pills, suffered and struggeled, for nothing.

    Don't feel like a zombie, didn't loose creativity, I'm not all sunshine and rainbows (still moody and grim), but just feel better.

    And if you're over 35 might want to stop smoking weed. Was fine for most of my life but when I got older things got weird. paranoya and such. odd.
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