
Ticket: Add <feature> to <thing>. It works in <other things> so just copy it over. Easy.

Thing: tangled, over-complicated mess.
Feature: tangled and broken, and winds much too deep to refactor. Gets an almost-right answer by doing lots of things that shouldn't work but somehow manage to.

I write a quick patch that avoids the decent into madness and duplicates the broken behavior in a simple way for consistency and ease of fixing later. I inform my boss of my findings and push the code.

He gets angry and mildly chews me out for it. During the code review, he calls my patch naive, and says the original feature is obviously not broken or convoluted. During the course of proving me wrong, he has trouble following it, and eventually finds out that it really is broken -- and refuses to admit i was right about any of it. I'm still in trouble for taking too long, doing it naively, and not doing it correctly.

He schedules a meeting with product to see if we should do it correctly. He tells product to say no. Product says no. He then tells me to duplicate the broken behavior. ... which I already did.

At this point I'm in trouble for:
1) Taking too long copying a simple feature over.
2) Showing said feature is not simple, but convoluted and broken.
3) Reimplementing the broken feature in a simpler way.
4) Not making my new implementation correct despite it not working anywhere else, and despite how that would be inconsistent.

Did everything right, still in the wrong.

Also, they decided I'm not allowed to fix the original, that it should stay broken, and that I should make sure it's broken here, too.

You just have to admire the sound reasoning and mutual respect on display. Best in class.

  • 11
    Burn it all down. 😂
    There's nothing left to do.
  • 8
    Pride at its finest.
    I’m truly sorry
  • 10
    How are they still in business?
  • 7
    @ars1 Presumably, they gaslight clients as well.
  • 1
    @lorentz I was gonna say, its a feature, not a bug.
  • 1
    Envy due to you finding a better way....that’s a typical day to day experience for you @Root
  • 0
    How much loss did they had to face because of you?
  • 0
  • 0
    @Root saying it in a fun way
  • 8
  • 1
    @ars1 * magic *
  • 0
    @Root is that the Feature?
  • 1
    @Root first thing that came to mind 😂
  • 2
  • 1
    @Root um what’s with the dots?
  • 1
    @jonas-w i dont get it. Guy walks into a hospital and finds his girl dead, and to the right is a bunch of lines. I guess my weak intellect should just stick to poopy jokes
  • 6
    @TeachMeCode It’s a CAD comic titled “loss.” (Also, it’s about miscarriage.)

    It is a jpg, which is a lossy data format, but it retains enough detail where you can easily recognize the original picture, even when extremely lossy.

    People have taken this meme (shared understanding) to the extreme and made increasingly minimalist versions of “loss” where you can still recognize it with only a few dots or characters, a simple reference like “loss.jpg”, or even just four blank comic panels.

    Most of the original versions were parodies ridiculing the comic, effectively saying “loss” changed the comic’s tone too drastically (from light hearted and comical to dramatic and somber in one strip), and thus “lost” a lot of readers. The point of these was to show that even abstract, minimal versions of the strip were more funny than the original, which is of course true because it wasn’t meant to be.

    Since, it has taken on a life of its own as all good memes do.
  • 1
    @TeachMeCode lines represent the people in pics.
  • 0
    Hahaha.... So how is their business still running with everything brocken

    And should stay brocken 🤣🤣🤣
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