While using Microsoft word:
Moving a picture 1mm to the right
All text and images shuffle, two new sides appear and sirens are noticeable in the distance

  • 3
    And when the document is sufficiently large you won't even need to move a picture, just opening the file will be enough to bring chaos upon humanity.
  • 3
    Ahh the feeling of making a report for school
  • 6
    You forgot the part where the screen tints red and blood is running down from the frame
  • 0
    Imagine that could output to html and css, wouldn't that be great 🤔
  • 8
    That is one of the trillion reasons to use LaTeX instead.
  • 2
    @megabait absolutely and you can even use git with it.
  • 2
    try using your arrow keys :)
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