So I found a thing. On my laptop, I am able to create a hotspot. So someone can connect to it and I can share my internet access. Couldn't I theoretically impersonate a wifi name, by setting up the hotspot to use the SSID of the target network, then the clients that already have access to the target network would feed me the network credentials? If so, how would I go about capturing the creds?

  • 1
    The connection isn't just SSID based. It can differentiate between two networks even if they have the same name.

    You can however switch your network card to monitor mode(if it's compatible) and sniff packets. Most are encrypted though.
  • 4
    What you describe is called a man in the middle attack
  • 0
    @g-m-f can't something like Hashcat do make an attempt to decrypt it?
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    @hellvetica I have tried to use Kali and the included tools like Airmon but unfortunately I am just using my built in wireless card so no monitor mode. Any suggestions for a good USB dongle supporting it?
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    @CCTrollz i think a simple edimax dongle should work, but don't take my word for it.
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    @Haxk20 their card doesn't support it as said above
  • 0
    @Haxk20 which is what someone did above lol
  • 5
    I love this site so much. 10 comments and no mention of morals/ethics. Thank you all
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    @afreitas its Grey Hat. Not strictly given permission but am also trying to prove a point.
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    @CCTrollz I've had this idea too. Please report back if you're successful or find a way to test this out.
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    That's also called "evil twin attack" @CCTrollz
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    What credentials do you want to capture? If you want to capture password of the legit AP then you can't do it, because the plain password is not transmited (search for wpa handshake for exact mechanism). Your only chance is capturing handshake (airodump-ng) with the legit AP and than launching dictionary/brute force on sniffed traffic to guess the password (aircrack-ng).

    If you want to capture credentials for websites etc. then most of it will be encrypted. You can try make phishing site (SE toolkit) and spoof DNS, but that won't work on sites using HSTS, HPKP and alerts the users. So there is no easy way to start harvesting the credentials.
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