Tell me you're a media-obsessed rube drone without telling me you're a media-obsessed rube drone. I'll start:

"SoFtWaRe JoB mArKeT iS hOrRiBlE aNd ShOwS nO sIgN oF rEcOvErY!!!"

hah, you mean those layoffs from that handful of frothed-over tech giants which had, I don't know, approximately ONE HUNDRED TIMES the amount of engineers they actually needed? I swear if i see this trope one more time i'm about to rage. can't wait until 2023 when this 'scare' will be but a memory. yes i'm muad'dib, golden path, worm god, whatever

but it's even simpler, you don't have to drink the spice:

- there are an estimated 205,741 people affected by the LaYoFfs (https://www.trueup.io/layoffs, actually a really cool site I just found)

- there are an estimated 3.87 MILLION software engineers, and that's just in the US, so it's safe to say less than 5% of the industry has been affected

so in short yes, you are a rube, i'll enjoy my multiple job offerings

should have been working on your craft instead of reading all those "news" articles. sheesh, i'd scare to hire anyone for a software position who can't get a grip on simple numbers anyway

  • 2
    Interesting, I didn't know that more than 1% of the US population was software engineers. Very popular career I guess.
  • 1
    You're not considering the portion of those jobs that are fake or no longer inhabited by real people
  • 1
    Or who just literally design crap products intentionally to fuel the next rewrite
  • 0
    And I said this before
  • 2
    @AlgoRythm considering most of us make as much as doctors do, it's a no-brainer.
  • 1
    5% is actually quite a large percentage, considering.
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