You can hate me: as a 34 year old php developer, i've never used git in my workflow...
I plan to start today using it on one of my personal project (only because i have arrived at "backup-49.rar")(yes i develop on windows).
Finger crossed

  • 22
    It will change your life 😉
  • 5
    No big deal. If you're using it alone you only need a quick 'git init' to start it all and then just

    git status
    git add
    git commit

    And some kind of "git log" flavoured with your favorite options (mine are '--decorate --all --graph --date=short --pretty=\"%C(yellow)%h %C(magenta)%cd %C(cyan)%an%C(auto)%d %Creset%s\" -n55", cast into an alias)

    Everything else will come when you're using it.

    And @JS96 is right, it will change your life (positive)
  • 14
    Can't hate people who continue to learn new things.
  • 1
    Good luck ;)
    (U now, starting to learn how to use time machine)
    (It can save ur ass in the long run xD)
  • 2
    Nowadays git is not only useful for collaboration but also for deploying on sites like Heroku, so you are actually also doing yourself a favor!
  • 3
    Okay, "git init" done, awaiting for the first commit; so far so good.
    The git cheatsheet from bitbucket comfort me.
    Thank you everyone for the support!!!
  • 1
    I hate you! there you have it. 😀

    In a more serious tone. While learning VCS will take some time, once you get used to it; it'll help ease your pain termendeously.
  • 2
    I know ALL the git commands.

    git add
    git commit
    git push

    That is all, right?
  • 1
    Checkout and revert are nice to know. If you want to go back in time
  • 1
    Branch and checkout if you want to multiverse your time ;)

    And cherry-pick can also save your day
  • 2
    @Sauruz yes, in fact for now i want to use the command line and familiarize as much as possible with the basic commands.
    Even as the only dev on this project, i think i will find really useful the branch system: developing features according to my spare time on a dev branch WHILE fixing small bugs on the master/stable branch (if i got the concept right...) then merging in
  • 2
    @gfux64 i agreed with you. mastering the command line in git is the fastest way to conquer git.

    well, i really hate the gui btw, full of problems. lol
  • 1
    In case you mess up your repo, always know that git offers a wonderful gem in the form of its 'reflog' command. It's basically a log of every little change that happened underneath, not just the actual commands you used.

    Saved me on several occasions. And most importantly, after learning about it years ago, I no longer make archives before a potentially harmful operation.

    Don't start with it, just know it's there for you!
  • 1
    It's never too late!
  • 0
    @almostwknd hey!! I said "you can hate me", not "you can make fun of me"! XD
    Anyway, first day with git went smooth...
  • 1
    Glad for you but what do you use to compare files?
  • 0
    @KiKoS i've been reading articles on git for good part of today, so: for compare you can use "git diff", the output should be similar to command diff on linux.
    By default, with no argument, it shows the differences between the last commit and the actual staged files. You can also specify two commits to compare and even filter only a specific file.
    My knowledge on this topic is one day old, so i may be partially/totally wrong
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