
Assuming you make $100k and that's more than covers your cost of living.

Would you prefer being able to work from home whenever you need or make $30k more but have to goto the office pretty much every day?

The commute is 1hr.

  • 8
    $30k is a lot tho
  • 2
    @tahnik so how much would you pay to be able to WFH whenever?
  • 3
    @billgates $5k max maybe. What about you?
  • 5
    Now mate you are pointing some real problems. I guess I would take less and be able to travel but I don't have family yet. And still less if the wage is high and you live somewhere with lower lifestyle cost compared to country the salary is from and even with family
  • 6
    I like being @ the office for some reason
  • 3
    @tahnik I'm not sure that's why I'm asking :)

    The biggest problem is the cost of commute and flexibility. Imagine winter.
  • 2
    @RazorSh4rk I guess for me it doesn't matter much as all the coworkers are at a different office anyway... Hm maybe that's another factor... If I make 30k more I will have to deal with people around me...
  • 5
    wfh because the commute 1hr sucks even with 30k more
  • 2
    @tahnik btw $30k, what do you do with it? I mean you already have enough cash for most things you could want other than a jet, mansion, maybe an apartment.
  • 2
    @freshlyfe My wage is lower average, I could get more but not sure I want to give up the flexibility. Seems like it's an earned privilege... Somewhat.
  • 3
    Personally I have young kids so I like not having a long commute. I think most people would prefer extra money. Maybe you could move closer to the office or commute in a way that lets you read on the way.
  • 2
    @billgates What if you had kids though, you could save money for them, for their healthcare, university etc...
  • 1
    @spacem I take train but always delays, especially winter and I may need to WFH if I'm not feeling too well.
  • 1
    @tahnik Ah right... Yes I see what you mean... dependents. I don't have any and probably won't...

  • 6
    Moving to the office not only costs time, it also costs money.
    And if you make 30k more you have to pay more taxes.
    So maybe the difference is not such big.
  • 3
    @DivByZero @tahnik I guess the big question is if you can already cover everything you need, how far are you willing to go and give up to get that extra.

    For me WFH and commute time is big but maybe you can replace it with something else.
  • 2
    The thing is, I don't mind commuting as long as it is takes about 1 hour - 10 minutes. More than that, I will start to think about it and will probably consider losing some money.
  • 3
    @tahnik well in winter, you can expect 2hrs. Also these times are for 1 way.
  • 5
    2 hours is definitely a lot. I will easily spare $20k for that, especially if I have everything
  • 3
    @billgates I always worked from home and made enough money. So an office somewhere else is no alternative for me. But thats my point if view.
  • 4
    @tahnik thanks, yes I would move closer but costs would go up as would have to rent, prolly 25k/yr if I share.... NYC...
  • 2
    @DivByZero yes so that's also my thinking but wondering how much more they would need to pay for you to give that up.
  • 3
    @billgates Right now I would give that up only if money wouldnt be enough for basic needs. But I worked for many years already and got enough money for retirement. I think your situation is quite different.
  • 3
    @DivByZero I see, thanks. That's actually the dilemma that made me wonder what others thought... maybe I should ask on Quora... but guess I like devRant more :) and I guess we're all Devs so that helps.

    So I actually have a medical condition (I don't know whether I will make it retirement... some people have, some haven't). But yea problems happen randomly. Most recently I prepped for technical interviews but had to give it all up mid-process :( ...

    But yea kind of why I am not sure I want to give up this flexibility... and do I risk it for maybe something better... and what exactly is better?
  • 1
    30K all day...but I would have to do some math to see about hidden costs
  • 0
    @otarant I don't listen to audio books, I just read on my phone.

    WFH, I can't quite make own hours though I can wake up later since your commute basically becomes 1 minute (I'm still full time).
  • 1
    For 10 grand I would. 20 maybe. 30 no.
  • 2
    125 a day extra for 2 hours travelling (assuming 48wks/5days a week). Not bad hourly rate. Depends if it pops you into a higher tax bracket, what the in office crowd are like, extra travel and food costs etc.
  • 2
    Ten years later you won't be happy because of 30% extra salary. You'll be happy because of the stress you avoided by giving it up.
  • 1
    Easy, work from home.
  • 1
    I would take the 30k not much for the salary but rather because in a homely environment I'm not productive.

    Getting out early in the morning and working close to other people working just allows me to live healthier and be more focused, but that's only my brain associating home=vacation I guess

    Edit: also I do a total of 4 hours a day of commute to get to my university so 1hr honestly is a joke
  • 1

    Shouting. Own ur time. U want to make a break because u are stuck? Nobody is watching go to have a 5min walk or simply stop typing.

    You can be flexible, so more productive
    Let's say you have 5 issues or tasks, if you finished them at 3pm there you go.

    You could travel, you can organise better.
  • 1
    @tahnik just rereading ur comment about the $20k, guess that kinda sums it up.

    I really need to aim at one of the big tech companies to really make it worthwhile​...
  • 0
    You'd need to pay me extra to work from home.

    In fact, when I considered a WFH position I factored in the cost of renting a desk at WeWork.
  • 1
    @configurator ehys that? Can't focus?
  • 1
    Actually it goes two ways. It's harder to focus at home, but there's also the fact that I'd have a hard time disconnecting. "Okay, I've done enough for today, I'm going home" is a lot harder to do when you work from home - at least for me.
  • 2
    @configurator well for me:
    #1: focus not a problem but guess maybe cuz i code a lot on my free time as well.
    #2: only if its really really urgent, in which case thank god im WFH
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