When you realize that there's no "magic" and no "only really smart specialists can understand this" in computers, software and hardware.

Everything is clearly defined in protocols/RFCs. The "magic" part is nothing more than extremely tedious, annoying and boring work combining those protocols together, making them talk to each other, and layering them inside each other.

Understand the little parts and you'll understand how the big ones work.

  • 3
    The "magic" is knowing hundreds of building blocks you can combine, which is necessary because each environment has different atoms.
  • 9
    That's what bothers me with fancy tools and online tutorials: they don't build intuition or encourage people to learn about the little building blocks, instead they hide the building blocks and their limitations under several layers of abstraction until everything seems like magic.
  • 3
    Magic is a fancy word for "I don't understand it and don't want to know why / how it works".

    Aka a fancy word for: Too lazy, ain't nobody got time for that.
  • 0
    “Sometimes I have gay thoughts but bruh them inside so it’s a problem later•l”
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