I spent the last three weeks+ (literally THREE full weeks, weekends too) building something I thought was really cool, powerful, and useful. Made a blog post, posted a giant thread on the company Twitter.

Literally one person gave it a like.

I don't know why I give shit anymore, cuz nowadays if it isn't about getting rich quick, cHaTgPt, or some other made up hype, no one cares. Apparently I shouldn't either...

Meanwhile my 16 GIGABYTE RAM MAC, yes 16 GIGABYTE RAM can't even hold power while plugged in, and I'm still clowning around with an ancient iPhone 6 (actually one of my mom's old iphones) that barely stays above 20% battery for more than an hour...

And FINALLY, my FUCKING ISP is for sure screwing me, since I've been doing some hard core data streaming and broadcasting, even though I pay $60+ month for that shit it, keeps dropping out, shit doesn't load.... I mean wtf this isn't 1990 dialup AOL anymore

When I step back I just feel like the worlds biggest loser, maybe the world's biggest 🤡

  • 6
    16GB isn't bad at all for most stuff, most M1 Macs supported up to 16GB and I do a huge part of my job with a laptop with only 8GB.

    For the rest I agree: tech blogging scene is 90% rehashed click-baity shit "8 incredible tricks which will make you 800235% more productive", "I asked ChatGPT how to wipe my ass", "how I want from 0 to 1000000$/month in three weeks" that's why I'm switching from social media feeds to an RSS feed made by an hand picked selection of blogs and sites.
  • 4
    @fullstackclown can you briefly describe the project you did and thought was cool? I say no matter how little praise you get for it, if you believe in it, keep doing it.

    See also https://devrant.com/rants/6344973/....
    FWIW I became co-maintainer of imagemin (img compression bin wrappers for npm), it's the opposite of hype and usually buried deep in project dependency trees but also useful as hell.
  • 2
    You build something that you think is cool. That is what counts! You probably also learned a lot on the way about it as well. Do (legal, and morally right) things that make you happy, not other people. Also surround yourself with people that pull you up and not bring you down, you already identified the latter as it sounds like.
  • 6
    This seems to fit here nicely.
  • 3
    Nice rant, but you're a clown yourself.
    Good luck!
  • 2
    Do you have a link?
  • 1
    Hang in there! ♥️
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