Right.. time to update branding for a work project, which I don't normally touch.

So I open Fork, open the local copy, pull from remote, and...... Well, see the screen snip.


It must be so nice to work with people who ACTUALLY GIVE A FUCK about their codebases. I, unfortunately, can only imagine that..

  • 12
    Just for clarification, yes we are apparently following SemVer. Or at least, that's what I thought.

    But regardless, what the fuck version bump is that supposed to be??
  • 10
    Please research the story behind that bump and post it here mentioning me 🍿🍿πŸ₯€
  • 3
    @Oktokolo Can I have some too 🫳🍿
  • 2
    This brings up so many questions
  • 6
    Hey at least he started from zero. :D
  • 2
    @ScriptCoded No, sorry. I need it all for myself to prevent my satellites from leaving.
  • 0
    @Oktokolo Oh... How about I hug you meanwhile?
  • 2
    Just sneaking here for 🍿
  • 2
    @ScriptCoded No free hugs. Only fans.
  • 4
    aaVersion.java describes the code really well. I see what the devs did there
  • 1
    @bigmonsterlover Hey, i'm not your ordinary camdev. VIPs only.
  • 1
    This must be the new SemVer
  • 0
    I'm guessing the 2.0 was missing from the very beginning and 41 is actually the patch version
  • 0
    @devphobe semver allows 4 versions (major, minor, patch, build) and also it allows you to be slightly creative, it's not extremely strict and does give you options
  • 3
    When you are done, you are supposed to follow this new scheme can't have the answer to life, the universe and everything (not even minor things)
  • 3
    @hjk101 ah, so for every new version you just add a zero. The version after that would be
  • 2
    @electrineer exactly. It's the only way you can switch from semantic versioning to the clearly superior unary versioning.
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