Hey DevRanters,

What's the worst thing anybody has said to you at your job?

  • 7
    Hey @C0D4,

    I fucked up so hard, even the automatic rollback failed.
  • 7
    "with your experience, that should be an easy task for, say, 2 days? right? thanks again, I've got to go now. Cheers."
  • 1
    You need to workbetween 9/17
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    We pay you for 39h/w but expect to stay longer everyday. (extra hours are not paid)

    (Boss explained that after I asked for a raise. And got that response + a "we normally don't give raises")
  • 4
    Worked for an org that could barely pay me. I was running the entire show. When I complained that I couldn’t make ends meet, the response was: “look at Dyson, he lived in poverty before making it big”
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    Very early in my consulting life. Interview for Java gig. Did not know much of Java back then which I told the interviewer honestly. Because they explicitly said that it really was a required skill.

    Did not get the gig. Why was I even there? It was obviously far from a good match!

    Later that day CEO comes in during coffee break and says out loud for everybody to hear

    ”Well, that did not go so well, if only you would have not said what you said!”

    implying that it was expected that I should have lied.

    I quit the next day.
  • 2
    @C0D4 auto rollbacks!? Come on!
  • 3
    there was this one time where we needed to implement some feature.

    a consultant from software vendors company came to guide us. it as the consultant, a colleague and me working on the project.

    the consultant (C) clearly had little to no experience in what was required. my colleague was a retard and a complete dickhead (so let's refer to him D)

    Project started, we 3 where in a room to start work. C came up with a plan. D agreed. I disagreed and told them it would fail. They responded with something like "you don't know shit, just let us do". so I let them. Just sat there and watch them fail. The whole day.
    Next day I told them "you are getting it wrong. I can fix this in about a coffee break". They said "Okay then Do it if you're so smart. We get a coffee and when we come back, we'll see!"
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    Well, I fixed their shit and made everything work before they came back. They looked at what I did and literally said: "Why didn't you tell us earlier? Are you aware of the costs that you produced by letting us dig in the dark the whole time?"

    I was so stunned in that moment. Because I literally told them the day before and they just ignored me. I was so fucking angry, coult not even get a word out
  • 5
    I took a deep breath and fought back. Told C and D that I told them how things would go and questioned their capabilities in that field.

    I went to our manager and told him the complete story. I requested that C will not come to this company ever again and that I would not build a team with D ever again. I also requested that I get the project and that D should have nothing to do with that anymore, else I would resign.

    In the end I got what I wanted. D was more and more isolated after that. Turned out he made moves like that in the past.
  • 5
    @nebula haha reminds me of a few cases here.

    One user needed a printer for special labels.

    He made a quote for some printer and software that I have never seen. I go and tell them that it is crap, that we should not buy this printer. And we already own a label software.

    My senior just approved the quote (behind my back)

    Later they deliver the printer, senior want to install the software and bam he couldn't install it. He even called me to fix it... Well I told him to really f** himself because I told you to not buy that crap.

    Next, for months we have issues with a webshop. I reminded him over (4 months !!) that he already made a help file for that case. He just have to follow the steps...

    After shit hit the fan, he created a ticket... Guess what, the consultant told exactly the same as I did the past few months. Wtf really....
  • 2
    This thread has the best comments I've read in a long while here. This is the kind of stuff I signed up for.

    I must have it pretty good since it's difficult to come up with anything. Or maybe I'm the one uttering stupid shit. Well, there was this one time when I overheard two guys bullying another older one about his prostate problems back when I was a trainee. That was some toxic bullshit.
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    @sideshowbob76 yea, was an unusual case of a shitty deployment, and a db upgrade occurring by aws that went unnoticed at the time.

    Cloud-formation attempted to deploy like it would any other day, failed the health checks, tried to roll back like the good little thing it is, only for the template to no longer be valid for the RDS which caused the rollback to get stuck.

    We had 3 EC2 instances running at the time with 1 running the older code base... what's could possibly go wrong!

    Lesson learnt, never let AWS update your RDS on its own 💀🪓
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    @C0D4 I think CF is great! But no matter what tech you use, db rollbacks are (very) serious stuff when coming to live production environments. I always design (if we can) by allowing for consumers to fail and retry during deployment with exponential backoff. Sometimes this is hard due to db design (can be old, can be BIG) so consumers will experience downtime still. In my experience, clients are fine with some downtime. It’s those projects that DOES NOT allow for downtime that get’s your blood pressure up. 😬

    Setup a good and simple workflow for testing db rollbacks and make sure you test it. For this you also need to setup load pressure which can be hard. I love db:s, not just all of the time. 😀
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