
Why doesn't Slack have an option to mute an entire workspace? It can only mute individual channels in the workspace, like sure, I want to manually mute every single fucking channel when I'm no vacation, and then unmute them when I come back. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? For fucks sake, Discord can do it, but the most popular enterprise chat lacks such a basic feature.

  • 4
    "Pause notifications"
  • 4
    Simply remove the slack app and reinstall it when ur back lol lmao
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    @Sid2006 @asgs You do realise people have more than one workspace, right? What you suggest removes all notifications from all workspaces, not just the one I use for work.
  • 2
    @hitko you can pause notifications in your workspace profile
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    @ebrithil You can pause them for a predefined amount of time. I want to turn them off until I decide to turn them back on, like I can on most other chat apps. I can to that for an individual channel, but not for the whole workspace.
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    @hitko can't you set the pause for a very long time and remove the pause when you so desire?
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    Cause they don't want you to slack
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    @electrineer You can pause notifications for max 1 year. It works for a while, but it's not ideal.
  • 4
    @hitko huh, are you on vacation, or are you not? Just turn off that darn thing completely.

    If you can't, because you have private stuff in there too, then there's your problem.

    A client at my workplace demanded to communicate via discord, so everybody made a separate discord account and uses it during worktime instead.
  • 0
    Workspace accounts are separate and domain names are separate... Correct me if I'm wrong.
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