Can someone please tell my boss / team that I am still in APPRENTICESHIP!!!

In the last few months I have been the only one who works for our second biggest client! On the paper an other guy is responsible but he does not know the project or the tech we use. But that's not all.

I also interviewed an external contractor (5x more salary),
introduced 8 more of them (technical and standards) [one of them in english, not my native language as you can see]
and I answered their question.
(Needless to say I get interrupted all the time)
Because of our unreliable infrastructure I get screamed at by the client and get calls after school from some coworker to talk him through fixing a bug.

Sorry for the long rant and all the english mistakes I made.
This had to get out!

PS Yes I have talked to my boss about it more than once, nothing changed

  • 1
    @g-m-f it is hard to find a job with no (only apprenticeship) experience...
  • 5
    I guess you @needToRoll with it while you're there. And after that: get tf out
  • 0
    write a log of your meetings with your boss and how nothing changend. Get proof of everything. Go with that to the Lehrlingsamt and talk to them. Maybe they can help you to cope with the curent company better or help you to find another one.

    luegsch mal da
  • 1
    @heyheni Danke, ich kenne die Möglichkeiten... ich bin noch nicht so weit. Könnte evtentuell noch Abteilung wechseln... bin in einem grossen Betrieb.

    Haue morgen nochmal auf den Tisch...
  • 2
    Today was a good day!
    My boss came to me to thank me for my exceptional work, told me that he would accompany me to a client meeting (other than planned) and told me about three new guys joining our team between juli and august.
    And he introduced me to the guy who will be working with me on the project (from 1. august).

    This feels good!
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