About 3 years at a job I worked at, management moved my work desk right next to the toilet.

I had enough. I got up, packed my things and left the office without saying anything to anyone and got another job a week later.

Have you ever quit on the spot? If so, what was your breaking point?

  • 4
    @mansur85 You don't realise what platform you're on... do you?

    Dear Mansur, please move to LinkedIn and suck corporate's dick

    And also,

    Fuck you
  • 0
    @mansur85 did you delete your original comment?
  • 0
    @lungdart Yep he did. He said I was spreading fake news and posts like this shouldn't be here.

    Classic bitch move by @mansur85. He thought I wouldn't notice
  • 0
    @mansur85 it ain't there
  • 1
  • 1
    @retoor I appreciate your dedication to make the meme.

    Damn, he really disappeared from this thread.
  • 0
    Yes. Toxic management. Boss said something. Quit the next day.
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