
I wonder how some devs claim Visual Studio is good, i don't currently use it, maybe it got better, but just the idea of being a microsoft product makes me feel less of it, I'm just wishing for some clarification here

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    Well, I have been using different ms ide's since quick C around 88-89 and then visual basic on to visual studio and they have alway been good.

    Remember, Microsoft begun by building a basic interpreter back when Bill Gates still was in school.

    Also C#'s project manager is the man that once created Turbo pascal and later Delphi o he has got 35+ years if experience building languages and developer tools.

    And Turbo pascal was awesome at its time.
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    I've found that usually it means:
    - for coding C#
    - often with JetBrains ReSharper
    - targeting Windows
    - on fast computers where speed is not a priority

    In other words, most people who don't like Visual Studio are probably not the target audience. I usually don't do C# anymore so I'm normally somewhere else, usually in a JetBrains IDE of some sort or even VS Code.

    Also note: Visual Studio Code is separate from Visual Studio and is a cross platform text editor a la Atom or Sublime. It's quite great for coding Golang and JavaScript/TypeScript.
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    If you still think Microsoft is bad... You need to take a good hard look at yourself.
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    @drRoss their ways of spying on you are unethical, but their stuff is awesome most of the time.
    But they still can't buipd a browser
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    I respect all the history facts you stated, but have you checked VS memory comsumption on your pc while using it? Just saying@Voxera
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    @DjSall edge is a quite fast and well usable browser. Not the best but better than Safari and all those mozilla/Netscape forks that are usually shipped with linux desktops. And the spy stuff... Apple, facebook, Google, they all do it, but if ms does it everyone drives crazy.
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    visual studio is nice to use. the debugger is one of the best features in it... and intellisense is good too... if i had to choose one thing from microsoft, it would be visual studio(or azure, maybe?)
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    @elghali yes. But 8gb is enough. And at work I got an I7 with 32Gb and ssd disks ;)
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    I too had similar thoughts

    but after using visual studio code my views changed 😀
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    Good to know maybe I'll try it out then@dhanvi
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    Try it. If your cpu is not a potato, it should be fine ;)
    (It just too bloat for me)
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    How about my 3gb memory?i prefer staying on debian with atom for dev@CSaratakij
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    @elghali if ur cpu is x86_64 and os 64bit, plz upgrade ram.
    64bit os env (lib, app) use more ram than 32bit os env.
    I once have 64bit os with 2gb ram. it's not that bad though cuz I use many lightweight app (cli, tui) but Even that I still have to keep monitor my ram usage.
    Now, I upgrade to 6gb and I never use swap since that day except compile some big app.
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    @CSaratakij oh no i still have an old laptop and run a 32 bit debian, so yeah you're right I'm considering upgrading to another laptop with better specs and install a 64 bit os
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