
It is worth to switch from windows to linux?

  • 8
    No one can answer that but you. If your dev env can work in Linux and you want to try Linux then switch, if it's more trouble than it's worth than don't bother
  • 5
    Yeah it is. Just do it :P
  • 8
    Yes. Absolutely worth it.

    Also, yes!
  • 2
    For dev it's great, but I still use Windows for photo and music.
  • 7
    I switched from Windows to Linux 6 months ago and haven't looked back since :)
  • 3
    OMG yes. Keep a dual boot for your confort if you want but it's definitely worth it, you'll learn a shit ton of stuff
  • 2
    What do you do on a daily basis? As others have stated, GNU/Linux is awesome for everything but multimedia stuff (basically no usable software for this at all) and games (really limited selection of games).
  • 4
    Well, no. I'd prefer to use both.
  • 0
    @pajaja coding, working in packet tracer, gns3, watch a movie and other basic stuff.
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    @filthyranter i don't like this idea. Is or linux or windowd :d
  • 4
    As much as it sometimes seems like it, an os is not some way of life, it's just a tool. I'm doing a lot of web stuff atm so being able to have an nginx running conviniently in the background makes Linux the right tool, if you do ml and you want to get the most out of your nvidia card windows would be the right one. Just be flexible and choose whatever seems easiest for your job.
  • 2
    @mitea I haven't used packet tracer for a long time but if I remember correctly it's written in Java and it runs on GNU/Linux just fine. GNS3 works great on it. Unles you need some specific programs that will only run on Windows, give GNU/Linux a shot. Btw, if you need some more serious networking labs, check out eve-ng, its similar to Cisco VIRL.
  • 4
    Is it worth switching from iOS to Android? Is it worth switching from MS Office to Google Docs? Is it worth switching from Ford to Volkswagen? Is it worth switching from red apples to green apples? The question is too open ended. As someone said above - only you can answer, and anyone who gives you an answer based on the no information you have provided is just a fan boi.
  • 0
    Is it worth to switch from my wife to a goat?
  • 3
  • 2
    Yes, it will make you look cool.

    But seriously though, I use both.
  • 1
  • 1
    Yes for work ( of not making stuff for windows) not for gaming, no matter if steam says steamOS or ubuntu will work. They will kind of work.
  • 0
    @pajaja what do you mean with 'media'? I had close to zero problems using vlc for movies. And for mp3 are the gstreamer-plugins.

    @sebastien yes
  • 3
    Better use both . You know I can't live without games.
  • 0
    @potatofriend I meant making of multimedia, not consuming it. For example, if you do design you're fucked without Adobe
  • 3
    I think there are several guys missing here @nytrobound @matsaki95 @linuxxx @linuxer4fun
  • 3
    But yeah, because of various things, first it is better, next it will potentially increase the probability of improving your it skills, will make you look cooler
  • 0
    @matsaki95 stick with PDFs, handing in a editable document like doc is bullshit

    ... And yeah one can edit PDFs, but not as easy an if it is signed it can be detected
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