
Wish me luck, guys.

I'm launching Eclipse IDE while having a Chrome window open.

May the Gods of RAM be with me !

  • 1
    My truly sincere condolences.
  • 1
    See you on the other side
  • 1
    may swap be with u xD
  • 0
    @camil Play the movie first blood. You will never be short of RAM!
  • 0
    I'm starting to think that people here have managed to turn a Nokia 3310 into a PC, but having trouble with lack of hardware resources.

    Why so many rants about potato computers?
  • 0
    As long a you don't do it in a vm and replace eclipse with androidStudio and a bunch of AVDs you are fine😈
  • 0
    Try Android Studio with at least 3 emulators. That's some RAM usage
  • 0
    After getting up to two seconds of input lag I gave up on eclipse.
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