
How often do you guys drink? For me it's either every day or every second day

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    Not on purpose everyday, but if I leave the house for whatever reason, I tend to stop by the bar.

    That, coupled with the times I want to go to the bar for the sake of it, means most days.
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    I used to rarely drink at home, since lockdown I have been drinking a bottle of red wine every day, then pub at weekends . As it turns out, this week I decided to quit drinking (at home) and yesterday was my first day. I am hoping that my sleep will improve, my health will improve and my permanent overdraft status will decrease. Wish me luck, I tried before but only lasted 3 days!
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    Every night for 3 years. Got developed a severe depression. I quit drinking.
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    Less than once a year. Alcohol is pretty bad for sec ops and damages my most precious organ - while it is less toxic than lead, there actually is no safe dose.
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    Maybe once a month or less.
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    the gf is a beer monster and when around her ( almost every day ) I drink 1 or 2 ( while she is having 3-5 in the same time ), besides that I drink only @ parties and pubs, but again 1-3 beers per night, and we don't go out every week, so you can safely conclude that I don't drink much
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    I've never liked the taste so never 'learned' it to drink... So never :)
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    Hi, my name is $name and I'm an alcoholic.
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    Seems like I'm not alone here in my drinking habits
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    I really try to limit my drinking by only getting good shit. I drink because i enjoy The taste, so I’m not going to be drinking bullishit cost cut big brews or well liquors. This helps a bit however, I know how good some of these are and it’s not always the most expensive that is the best…
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    Now I have a case of beer in my closet that I’m forgetting to drink. I have had maybe a single beer every 2 or 3 weeks.

    We had a kid and it sort of stopped the habitual drinking. I don’t miss it.
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    "or well liquors"

    I prefer to call them "swamp liquors."

    or toilet liquors.
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    @theKarlisK i drink to little of it. Typing is more important than drinking.
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