It was not a meeting but a class. We learned to program in Java.

Using notepad....

  • 3
  • 6
    You think that's bad?
    In my previous university we were writing semi-simple HTML pages on PAPER even on an exam...with a different piece of paper for CSS.
    I swear to god this is true.
    Left the place after 3 months.
  • 2
    @rewert you did the right thing
  • 8
    Nothing wrong with learning Java in Notepad. You shouldn't use any IDE to learn a new language as it hides too much.

    It's always hilarious to see how some "programmers" break when you take their toys away.
  • 5
    Yep, nothing wrong with using the simplest Editor and a commandline for the compiler to get a feeling how the stuff works. Then expand the toolchain.
  • 1
    I first did Java on notepad for uni too; used command line to javac our programs too; let me not forget that we manually traversed from the CLI to java's bin folder to do so (this is before i knew of the PATH variable). Stupid as it was, i did learn java, and programming in general
  • 2
    it isnt so bad to code using notepad, i did it for all three c++, c# and java, your foundation is stronger and you are not so dependent on intellisense when you do this. You do have my sympathy for having to learn java though
  • 1
    My coding exams are on paper.. Let's write some java/android, c# or php method on paper, very funny 😑 freaking stupid to write code that you can't test
  • 0
    Well, they could have made you use edlin. 🤣🤣🤣
  • 0
    I think is a good start. I've met people that think they're developing an application in (IDE here) instead of (language here).
  • 0
    @Jilano textpadhehe
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