
Went to sleep early due to being up for 2 days to get work done and overtime pay to afford a nice vacation with the gf. Woke up to several messenger txts from gf about me not responding, ending with me being dumped.

  • 1
    That used to happen to me every couple of days.
  • 2
    @devRat getting dumped every couple of days or working overtime?
  • 0
    @tytho Both 😷😷😷
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    find a IT girl and never worry
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    @treasure What is the purpose of having a gf if she doesn't give you her time 😷
  • 6
    What is the purpose of having a good paid job and a career if you or your resident female wont appreciate.

    Buy yourself new computer parts or a new car now instead of splurging it all on a girl who doesn't appreciate you
  • 2
    now you can spend the vacation money on a new better computer 😍
  • 3
    Sounds like you just afforded a nice new computer and beer 👍🏻
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    I had gf dump me for being Jon responsive I worked on call as a truck mechanic, one Friday night I had to drive about 120 miles to a broken down truck, got there put the phone in my toolbox forgot about it drove home dropped van off at work. Next day I was dumped. Women!!!!! Anyway it was for the best these things happen for a reason.
  • 0
    Oh man. That sucks!
  • 5
    I bought a big case of beer and cancelled vacation plans for more overtime. Saving vacation time for when I have someone new to go with.
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  • 2
    That's it @Raich - resilience - we bend and don't break and come back stronger!
  • 1
    If that was enough of a reason for her you deserve better anyway mate
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