
Just saw this on FB..

Well I don't do much Webdev but that won't work for sure.

The first closing bracket ends the function Block -.-
Nice try Marketing team

  • 2
    Because there arent any ooenig brackets for the if conditionals

    That wont work at so many points btw, not just at that closing bracket..
  • 0
    @xic3fox if it's like in C then you don't need those for one-liners. And therefore the first closing bracket ends the function as can also be seen on the side where the line numbers are displayed
  • 0
    @lorki97 yeah i just saw that 😂 sorry, was too fast, just saw that code and 'had to' reply
  • 0
    @lorki97 und die nennen sich internetagentur 😂
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    @xic3fox no problem.. These PR guys should never touch any code at all... Not a single printf etc
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    @lorki97 they should at least let real coders check what they 'made'
  • 0
    @lorki97 The if in line six is missing an opening bracket. Either that or the indentation is all over the place
  • 0
    That's horrible, I would not apply thinking that probably all their code is like that XD
    They should have showed it to the IT department first
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