
When ever someone asks me to fix their PC I ask them to sit down next to me so I can show them how I did it. First thing I do is open up Google search the problem then look them dead in the eye and smile 😂😂😂. I Then proceed to implement the fix from the first page of results. I don't get many repeat requests... I'm Such a passive cunt.😂😂😂

  • 5
    I also search in google in front of them. Im order to exasperate him, I browse the problem very, very slowly while ranting about windows or mac or their stupid keyboard layout. In some way they get the pattern and feel more capable to solve the problem than me. :D
  • 2
    I literally did this subconsciously when a friend asked my why their second hard disk wasn't registering.

    Googled the problem while I ranted about windows haha
  • 10
    Sending a 'Let me google that for you' link also works for these types of people. 😎
  • 6
    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
    Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.
  • 1
    Yes exactly.
    I don't get it why people don't duckduckgo it.
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