In India we don't go rubber duck debugging. We debug with God 😂😂😂 (For non Indians that is Ganesha, one of the famous Hindu god. Said to be the god of knowledge and hence engineering by extension )

  • 10
    Diefic Elephant Debugging for when you want bugs DED ;)
  • 11
    @rohitshetty Can you make cars fly???😂
  • 2
    @web-artisan sigh that namesake of mine has made my life difficult. Can't get a domain name or username easily. The only places i got my name is github and devrant (hey that tells a lot)
  • 4
    Um, isn't Saraswati supposed to be the goddess of knowledge?
    or is it something of a shared title?
    (Aethist with Hindu parents, I know some stuff but don't really pay heed)
  • 3
    I like that idea, I personally also debug with my god at my desk(I believe in duck-jesus((prefferably rubber ones)) who had the ability to turn bread into duck shit) .
  • 2
    Your keyboard looks weird.
  • 0
  • 2
    My indian colleague gave me this during my resignation notice 🙌
  • 0
    @codeRetard gosh. Why spew vitrol when it doesn't even affect your life ? I am agnostic myself. But I have never understood this spewing of vitrol. @dfox
  • 0
    @geenee24 that's beautiful :) bronze Indian elephant
  • 0
    @codeRetard Also didn't knew you shit transparently good for you !
  • 1
    Just to further make the point for any bystanders including @dfox that might not know what the actual depiction of Ganesha looks like
  • 0
    And here is a brown miniature clay representation of it before someone claims that the intricate details are left out in small form factors
  • 0
    @rohitshetty So as you can see, it was not you, nor your culture that I was bitter about and criticizing, it was your Ganesha looking like crap. Grow up and learn to understand what points are being made, and what words mean before running into your safe space and calling others in to do for you what you can't.
  • 1
    So... If you whant to debug with a cow...
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