
I've discovered now that on VS Code when you point over a CSS class it shows you an example of the element it reffer to. 😲

I don't know if it's something new or if it's already present in other editors, but I found it now and I love it!

  • 5
    Brackets is waaaay ahead of you
  • 6
    @hitchhiker42 maybe, but because it's 100% designed for web, VS Code is more universal, and I'm using it also for other purposes, so it's ok for me :P
  • 0
    @hitchhiker42 People still use that abomination. I gave up on it when it crashed all the time and you could not close the last open folder, which you still cannot do.

    It's like dreamweaver, but less stable
  • 1
    @JS96 It has been there for some time, pretty sure since before I started using that, as I stumbled on that soon after first installing it about 6 months ago.
  • 1
    Agree. I use VSCode for all stuff I do right now. I also used Brackets earlier but I didn't like it that much.
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